Thursday, February 16, 2012

LGBT Point Foundation honors Focus Features

"Point Foundation (Point), the nation’s largest scholarship-granting organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students of merit, will honor global film company Focus Features on Monday, April 16th at this year’s Point Honors New York gala."

According to the San Francisco Sentinel, Focus Features will be the recipient of recognition from the Point Foundation at its annual Point Honors New York gala.

One of the reasons I respect the productions of Focus Features is the daring risks they take with many of the picture releases. This is especially true of the films with an LBGT story line that so desperately need to be told. We are a world (slowly) working towards acceptance of all, and Focus Features is definitely a front runner in this journey.

 “Films like Milk and Pariah speak to the values of diversity and empowerment Focus shares with Point and the LGBT community.  It is so important that young people have an opportunity to watch films like these, where maybe they can for the first time find representations of themselves on the screen, and come away awed and inspired.” 
-Jorge Valencia, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of The Point Foundation.

Focus Features has produced films like Brokeback Mountain, Milk, and last years The Beginners, which is up for an Oscar this year for best supporting actor, Christopher Plummer. Focus Features' newest production, Pariah, is a coming of age story about a 17-year old African-American lesbian. 

For more information on Focus Features or the Point Foundation Honors gala, click here.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Cosmo the Dog from 'The Beginners', overshadowed by Uggie from 'The Artist'?

Uggie, the Jack Russell from 'The Artist' has received a lot of press lately. for a dog. There's been good and bad, and needless to say he has become quite popular. 

But what about the other Jack Russell who stole the scenes of 'The Beginners', a movie that was nominated for several awards this season? 

Cosmo the Dog played his part magnificently as the companion of  
the late Hal Fields and his son, Oliver. Cosmo's role is admirable as the comforter of Oliver and almost serves as a substitute for Hal or perhaps a conduit to Hal after his passing. 

Let us take a moment to recognize the other Jack Russell who warmed our hearts this past movie season. Great job Cosmo.

Click here to see a Focus Features exclusive video on Cosmo the Dog.

What famous movie dogs are your favorites? And who stole your heart more, Uggie or Cosmo?