Thursday, April 19, 2012

It’s your last decision. Better make it a good one.

There have been a lot of end of the world (or should they be called ‘end of the world as we know it’) films. Dr. Strangelove, The Stand, Children of Men, The Road, War of the Worlds, 2012, Melancholia…this is only the start of a very long list of films that encompass themes of our world ceasing to exist and what we as humans choose to do before, during, and after this imminent demise.

The entertainment value of these films is derived from the fact that movie-goers are interested in the decision making process that is thrown upon the characters, whether they like it or not. Given that everything comforting in their world has been taken, or soon will be taken, the characters embark on a journey of sorts into the primitive mindset of a human being who’s main concern suddenly becomes staying alive. It is fascinating to see this unfold and so, I never pass up an opportunity to watch an “end of the world” genre film.

They’re not all